Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How I Spent My Tuesday

Last Saturday, I ran into my friend Mandy's mom at Wal-Mart. I hadn't seen or talked to Mandy for a couple of years. Her mom invited me to her house on Tuesday for a jewelry show. We wanted to surprise Mandy, but when I called for directions on Monday, Mandy answered the phone. Well, we didn't get to surprise her, but that's okay. I had a great time visiting with her and her family. By the time I got home it was almost bedtime. Right before bed, I got a call from my cousin Del telling me that my Uncle Dick is really sick. It's really scary knowing that a member of your family is ill, but I also know that everything is in God's hands. While I was on the phone with my cousin, Amanda tried to call. We've been playing phone tag for what seems like forever. I think we've talked to one another's voicemail more than we've talk to each other this summer. (Sorry Joey!) I promise we'll talk soon.

I also wanted to let everyone know that I appreciate your comments and visits to the blog. Keep coming back and checking in on us!

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